ஸ்டாலினுக்கு பேரதிர்ச்சி! வலையில் சிக்கிய மீனாக விழிக்கும் திமுக!

40 தொகுதிகளுக்கான தமிழக மக்களவைத் தேர்தல் வருகின்ற 18ம் தேதி நடைபெற உள்ளது. வெற்றியை நோக்கி அனைத்து கட்சிகளும் பிரச்சாரம் செய்கின்றனர். ஆனால் இந்த முறை சற்று வித்தியாசமான முறையில் திமுக ஸ்டாலின் தாகாத வார்த்தைகளை கொண்டு எதிர் கட்சி தலைவர்களை வாய்க்கு வந்தபடி வசைபாடி மக்களிடையே பிரச்சாரம் மேற்கொள்கின்றார். வட தமிழகத்தில் மட்டும் திமுகவின் 20 தொகுதி வேட்பாளர்களில் 13 வேட்பாளர்களை நிறுத்தியுள்ளது திமுக.

கடந்த சட்டமன்றத் தேர்தலில் வடதமிழ்நாட்டில் பாமக பெற்ற வாக்குகளை கவனத்தில் கொண்ட ஸ்டாலின் பாமக விற்கு எதிராக பேசினால் மட்டுமே வன்னியர் வாக்குகளை பெறலாம் என்பதால், பாமகவின் வாக்கு வங்கியை கவர் செய்ய வட தமிழகத்தில் மரு.ராமதாசு மீது பல விமர்சனங்களை தேர்தல் பிரச்சாரத்தில் ஸ்டாலின் வீசி வருகிறார். திரும்ப திரும்ப அதையே பேசிக்கொண்டு இருந்தார்.

இந்த விமர்சனங்களுக்கு எதிர்ப்பு தெரிவிக்க மாட்டார்கள் என நினைத்து இருந்த ஸ்டாலின் சற்றும் எதிர்பாராத வகையில் மரு ராமதாசிடமிருந்து அறிக்கை ஒன்று சாட்டையால் அடிப்பது போல் வந்தது. ஸ்டாலின் கூறிய வன்னியர் சொத்து அபகரிப்பை நிரூபித்தால் நான் பொதுவாழ்க்கையிலிருந்து வெளியேறுகிறேன். அப்படி நிரூபிக்கத் தவறினால் ஸ்டாலின் அரசியலிலிருந்தும் பொது வாழ்க்கையில் இருந்தும் வெளியேற தயாரா என சவால் விட, மரு.ராமதாசு அறிக்கை ஸ்டாலினை மனதளவில் கடுமையாக தாக்கியது.

பாமகவின் இளைஞர் அணி தலைவர் அன்புமணி ஸ்டாலின் மீது அவதூறு வழக்கு ஒன்றினை தேர்தல் ஆணையத்திடம் தொடுத்துள்ளார். இந்நிலையில் இன்று பா.ம.க. தலைமை நிலையத்தில் இருந்து புதிய தகவல் வந்துள்ளது. அதில் வன்னியர் கல்வி அறக்கட்டளை குறித்து அவதூறு பேசிய மு.க.ஸ்டாலினுக்கு மருத்துவர் ராமதாஸ் வழக்கறிஞர் நோட்டீஸ் அனுப்பியுள்ளதாக தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

அதில் “வன்னியர் கல்வி அறக்கட்டளை உட்பட தமிழ்நாடு முழுவதும் உள்ள வன்னியர் சொத்துகளை பா.ம.க. நிறுவனர் மருத்துவர் அய்யா அவர்கள் அவரது துணைவியார் பெயரில் மாற்றி விட்டதாக திமுக தலைவர் மு.க.ஸ்டாலின் அவதூறு பரப்புரை மேற்கொண்டு வருகிறார். இது தொடர்பாக அவர் மன்னிப்பு கேட்க வேண்டும் அல்லது வழக்கு விசாரணையை எதிர்கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று கூறி அவருக்கு வழக்கறிஞர் க.பாலு மூலமாக வழக்கறிஞர் அறிவிக்கையை அனுப்பியுள்ளார்” என தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

வழக்கறிஞர் அறிவிக்கை :
Mr. M.K. Stalin,
President, DMK
Anna Arivalayam,
Chennai – 600 018.

Dear Sir,
Under instructions of my clientviz., Dr. S. Ramadoss, the Founder Leader of PMK and Founder of Vanniyar Educational Trust, resident of Thailapuram Thottam, Kiliyanur Post,Vanur Taluk,Villupuram District-604102, I issue the following legal notice to you as hereunder:-

1. My Client states that he is the Founder leader of Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) as well as Vanniyar Sangam. The motto of Vanniyar Sangam is to provide education to the poor persons belonging to Vanniyar Community and therefore, a Trust created in the name and style of “Vanniyar Educational Trust” (hereinafter called as VET) in the year 2005. The VET is running several educational institutions with the permission of respective authorities.

2. My client states that on 01.04.2019, in the ongoing Lok Sabha Election-2019 campaign, you have raised serious but baseless allegations and spewed unrestrained venom against the Vanniyar Educational Trust and its properties without any due diligence and prudent verification of facts and with a malafide intention and an ulterior motive to harm the reputation of my client and his wife viz., Mrs. Saraswathy Ammal. Your speeches are totally false and have highly damaged the reputation of my client and his wife. Unlike under other situations, the damage done by such false imputations, have spread widely during election time. The injury inflicted by your defamatory speech is irreversible and if the circulation of the same is not prevented and withdrawn at once from circulation in the print media and social media it will cause irreparable loss to mt client’s reputation..

3. My client further states that the Election Commission of India has clearly prohibited such hate speeches and unsavory comments about the personal life and false information about the persons and its functionaries. However your speech is in gross and willful violation of model code of conduct as well as the provisions of Representation of People Act 1951. The defamatory speech in question as reported in the newspaper on 2-4-19 is as follows:

வன்னியர் சங்க கல்வி அறக்கட்டளையின் பல்வேறு சொத்துக்களை எல்லாம் தனது குடும்ப சொத்துக்களாக ராமதாஸ் மாற்றிக்கொண்டிருக்கிறார். குறிப்பாக திருச்செந்தூர், தென்காசி, குற்றாலம், சிதம்பரம், சென்னையில் இருக்கும் வன்னியர் சொத்துக்கள் அனைத்தும் ராமதாஸின் துணைவியார் பெயரில் உள்ளது. இந்த விவரங்கள் அனைத்தும் முதல்வரிடம் உள்ளது. தமிழக அரசு நினைத்தால் அவற்றை கைப்பற்ற முடியும். இதிலிருந்து சொத்துக்களை காப்பாற்றவே அதிமுக கூட்டணியில் சேர்ந்துள்ளார் ராமதாஸ். அவர் தன்னையும் குடும்பத்தையும் காப்பாற்றி கொள்ள எதையும் செய்யக்கூடியவர்.

Therefore, the speech made by you is totally false, scandalous, slanderous, frivolous, vexatious, and does not contain any truth or even an iota of truth and it is nothing but unfounded rank allegations. My clients vehemently deny them as untrue and baseless and assert that you have knowingly made them with a malicious and malafide intention to harm their reputation amongst the members of the particular community and gain political mileage by unsuccessfully projecting yourself as the savior of the concerned community while the hard facts prove otherwise. They constitute disparaging remarks about my client and his family membersand they have dented the reputation, moral, intellectual character, standing and credit and image of my client as well as his wife in the estimation of the general public at large.

4. My client further states that the said Trust is being managed by the Trustees who are respectable persons. The properties are in the name of Trust and the same belong to members of respective community across the world. Contrary to this truth you have made a false and malicious statement imputing as if the properties of the Trust are in the name of my client’s wife and my client has formed the present electoral alliance only to safeguard the properties. The entire speech made by you is totally false and fabricated and uttered with the sole intention to defame my client’s family. Further you have made several defamatory and false accusations against my client. The said defamatory and accusation are totally baseless, unfounded and against the real facts. My client further state that you have made these speecheswith a mala fide intention to harm the reputation, injure and defame the reputation of my client and his wife.

5. My client further statesthat your speech may lead to incitement of violence or promote public unrest orcause disordersince election campaigning based on communal orientation or caste or fake and fabricated news, etc are prohibited under election rules. My client further states that there is no truth in your speech and therefore, you have made such derogatory and defamatory imputations againsthim and his wife.

6. My client further states that there is ample incriminating material evidences to show that what you have spoken in the public meeting is baseless, totally false andyou have spewed venomous and injurious allegations as a part of your political revenge against my client and have deliberately and knowingly made these speeches with malicious intention to mislead the innocent voters against my client who is your political rival and to achieve the objectionable object of unlawful political propaganda. My client states that your main goal is to harvest undeserving and sinful political gainsby making such wild and groundless allegations against my clients.

7. My client further states that such derogatory and defamatory speeches are completely untrue and inaccurate and the impact of such false and malicious speech is that they have gone viral online and gained wide publicity affecting the reputation and high moral character of my clients. You have thus violated all norms of decency and propriety and probity in public life and have chosen to hurl baseless allegations against my client by harming his reputation knowing full wellthat such utterances will lower or harm or injure the reputation of my client in the estimation of members of his community in particular and the public in general.

8. My client states that the Indian Constitution protects freedom of speech as a facet of fundamental rights guaranteed under Article 19, subject to reasonable restrictions. It is further stated that the fine equilibrium is required to be maintained between protection of freedom of speech, fair commands and criticism on one hand and punishment for wanton and willful transgressions by way of making maliciousand defamatory allegations against an innocent person with an oblique motive for political gains in the run up to the elections on the other hand. Therefore, the intention of the speech made by you clearly shows malice and per se you are knowingly defaming the reputation of my client and his wife.

9. My client further states that the defamatory and slanderous speeches made by you against my client and his wife in the course of your political campaign for the ensuing General elections to Parliament are liable to be punished under the penal laws viz., under Section 499 and 500 IPC. Your culpable speech has been published in the newspapers and widely circulated in the print media rendering you vulnerable for prosecution for defamation. The contents of your defamatory speech have also lowered the reputation of my client in the eyes of right thinking members of society,

10. My client states that he is a qualified Doctor by profession and has established his own as reputation as an undying crusader for securing social justice for the deprived and underprivileged. The world knows that my client shunned political offices, as a matter of his inviolable principle, like MLA, MP and Ministers though they were offered on golden platter in the past by various Governments of political alliance only to continue his ongoing fight to get social justice for the poor, economic justice for the farmers and other public toiling in unorganised sectors. He has no economic necessity and nor is under any political compulsion to grab others properties much less the properties of the said Trust which has been created by his years of toil, sweat and blood for the upliftment of the members of Vanniyar Community and others.

11. My client states that there is absolutely no justification on the part of you to indulge in such kind of false, vilifying, and defamatory allegations. You also have no privilege to indulge in such kind of false and defamatory allegations against my client and his wife. You are put to strict proof of the same on pain of appropriate legal consequences.

12. My client further states that on 02.04.2019, my client had issued a Public Statement calling upon you to prove the defamatory and misleading statements made by you during the ongoing Lok Sabha Election-2019 campaign speech against him and Vanniyar Educational Trust, but you have not given any explanation for your frivolous and vexatious speeches till date.

Therefore, I hereby callupon you to withdraw scandalous allegations made against my client viz., Dr. S. Ramadoss, the Founder Leader of PMK as well as Vanniyar Educational Trust and his wife and also tender unconditional apology for the derogatory speeches made by you on 01.04.2019, immediately on receipt of this legal notice, failing which, my client will be constrained to initiate appropriate legal proceedings including the proceeding seeking damages under appropriate civil law as well as criminal prosecution under criminal law. Needless to mention that if any such proceedings are initiated, it shall be at your risk, peril, cost and consequences and you alone will be solely responsible for the same.
